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In a patient with clinical features of SIADH that has no obvious cause cheap 100mg symmetrel fast delivery, a more extensive evaluation is indicated order 100 mg symmetrel overnight delivery. The workup should include a careful search for malignancy and central nerv- ous system pathology and an endocrine evaluation to exclude hypothyroidism and hypocortisolism. In patients with asymptomatic hyponatremia secondary to SIADH, the treatment of choice is fluid restriction. In this patient, there is no laboratory evi- dence of hypothyroidism, so increasing the dose of levothyroxine will not be helpful. Administration of normal saline in patients with SIADH can worsen the hyponatrem- ia. Thiazides block the reabsorption of sodium and chloride in the distal tubule and can lead to severe hyponatremia. She says she is urinating between 20 to 30 times every day. Her family history is significant for diabetes and coro- nary artery disease. Her sodium concentration is 143 mEq/L; her potassium, creatinine, and glucose levels are normal. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis for this patient? Salt poisoning Key Concept/Objective: To be able to recognize diabetes insipidus This patient has polyuria with diluted urine and a serum sodium level in the high nor- mal range. A diagnosis of diabetes insipidus can be made if the urine osmolality is less than 250 mOsm/kg despite hypernatremia (a serum sodium level greater than 143 mEq/L). When the disease is suspected in a polyuric patient whose serum sodium con- centration is normal, the urine osmolality can be monitored while the patient is deprived of water, allowing the serum sodium level to increase to 143 mEq/L. Exogenous vasopressin increases urine osmolality by more than 150 mOsm/kg in patients with neurogenic (but not nephrogenic) diabetes insipidus. It is possible to mis- diagnose diabetes insipidus in patients who actually have a primary thirst disorder.