

The Home of Back in Balance Therapeutic Massage and their amazing staff!

BIB white house
1427 Route 9, Halfmoon,NY
(518) 371-6332
(Across from The Tire Warehouse)

From Route 87 (Northway)
From the South Take Exit 8:
-Go East on Cresent Rd/Vischer Ferry Rd all the way to the light (at the end by Stewart’s)
-Turn Left at the traffic light onto Route 9 (North)
-Follow Rt. 9 to the top of the hill look for the Back in Balance sign on your right.
-Turn right onto Lansing Lane
-The parking lot is behind the the building.

From the North:
Take 8A  (instead of 8)
Take a left onto Grooms Rd
Follow to Route 9 (Halfmoon Dinner)
Turn right on Route 9 for approximately .8 mile
Back in Balance will be on your left.
Turn left onto Lansing Lane.

See you soon!


Please plan to arrive 10 minutes early if this is your first session with us

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